Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions for foreign customers (shipment outside Finland)

The trade between company customer and Jaletron Electronic will be governed by the Finnish Trade Act unless a separate written agreement has been made.

Delivery times

Delivery time for products which we have in stock takes normally 1-3 business days. Before shipping, shipping charges must be recorded. Only for foreign credit customers we can make an invoice with a 14-day payment period.

If the product is temporarily out of stock, the delivery will take 1-3 weeks. We will notify you of delivery delays by email immediately upon processing your order. If the product you ordered is no longer available, we will notify you by email and refund any prepayment.


All our new products have a manufacturer's warranty. The warranty is generally 1 year. The warranty is 6 months for maintenance work. The warranty does not cover the breakdown of the device caused by an external factor, or any failure to repaired device other than the fixed fault. (e.g., keyboard / display element / control channel breakage)

Returns and warranty returns

New and unused products have a right to return. The cost of return freight delivered outside Finland is paid by the customer. Notice! The right of return does not apply to electronic components.

Also, there is no “return right” in the electronics maintenance work, i.e. if the fault is somewhere else than the repaired device, then we charge a fee according to the price list for repair / testing.

Always make a contract about return or warranty change before shipping.

In addition, factory orders (e.g. a special part ordered from the factory via Jaletron, which is not normally shelved) do not have a return right, and no refund for the factory order is made if it is not a defective product.

General Terms and Conditions

Possible shipping and billing charges will be added to the shipments, but we will not add small delivery fees. We reserve the right not to place an order if there is a significant price error in the product information or the product is no longer available from the importer. Possible export duty will be added to foreign shipments. (Not applicable for EU countries).

Delivery methods:

-EMS Mail (Finnish post servive) (Not active at the moment, expensive and slow)

- Posti and Matkahuolto service for customers in Finland

-DHL courier for Europe and non-European countries 

-PostNord for Scandinavian countries and to some European countries.

-You can also arrange pick-up using your own contract (DHL, UPS, Fedex, TNT, GLE). In that case select delivery option 'Pick-up from our Company'. Send the ready made address label to us via e-mail (in pdf format).

We submit the tracking number to your mail automatically when shipment is released from here, so you can track your order.

Payment options:

1. Prepay

You pay your order in advance to the Jaletron Electronic (Lehto Trading Oy) account. We will send your order as soon as your payment is shown in our account. You will receive an e-mail request for prepayment showing your account number and payment reference number. Always use a reference number when making a payment. You can speed up delivery if you send a receipt.

2. Billing

We can deliver the shipment by billing to foreign contract customers. In addition, past failures to pay or  payment delays have not been recorded in our customer register.

3. Online payment (mainly for Nordic countries)

Payment and financial services related to online banking are carried out by Paytrail. The online payment buttons of the following banks are supported in our store: Nordea, Osuuspankki, Danske Bank, Tapiola, Säästöpankki/POP, Handelsbanken, Ålandsbanken, S-pankki.

4. Credit card payment

If you want to pay by credit card, Neocard, Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard and Business Eurocard are available for that purpose. This service is offered by Paytrail. We (Jaletron Electronics) are not storing or handling any credit card numbers in our system. All credit card payment are secured by SSL standard.

NOTE! Main laboratory is closed from 6.1.2025 to 20.1.2025 due to a winter vacation trip to the other side of the world. No phone or email access at this time. 2G modules  and 2G screen repairing can be done by our employees. 3G and 4G modules and computer repairs can be done after the vacation trip.

HUOM! HUOM! Päähuoltolabramme on suljettuna 6.1.2025-20.1.2025 ulkomaille suuntautuvan talvilomareissun takia. 2G moduulien perushuollot voi työntekijämme tehdä, mutta vaativammat 3G / 4G sekä tietokonekorjaukset tehdään vasta 20.1. jälkeen.

Prices include Finnish VAT 25.5%. If your company has been registered in EU and you have valid VAT id, you can buy items as an intra community supply (without VAT). VAT 0% is calculated during checkout.

Remember add your company VAT id number during checkout. With empy VAT you will charged VAT25.5%
Hinnat sisältävät ALV 25.5%

Jaletron Electronic takes responsibility for EPEC module repair service

New agreement covers 4W, 2G, 3G and 4G EPEC measuring equipment and Timber Jack / John Deere and controlling units and modules service. In practice all products under TJ/JD brand name you can find on this web shop are under the agreement. Note, that product support and customer care for those units stays still in Epec and their products retailers. We are only doing electronic repair service for those modules. We don't have knowledge for parameters, system setup or product features. EPEC will not accept repair request for those older generation modules. Jaletron.fi is the main contact since March 2019. In addition we repair also Pellonpaja products as well.

Our laboratory services in the first instance for Epec authorized representatives (sales and service companies) according separate service agreement with representatives. Anyhow we are still servicing private sectors, but all service requests and service orders have to go through this web-shop application. We will not handle any items arrived to our laboratory without existing service order! 

We hope that if you have question related electronic service, please contact us by e-mail. We are not able to answer the phone during laboratory work, because we want to concentrate 100% to repairing taskThank you for understanding and respecting our wishes.

Jaletron Electronic ja EPEC Oy solmivat keskushuoltosopimuksen.

Uusi sopimus kattaa EPEC mittalaite- ja ohjainmoduulikorjaukset 4W, 2G, 3G ja 4G tuoteperheiden osalta. Huoltosopimus kattaa vanhemmat EPEC brändinimen alla olevat moduulit sekä Timber Jack / John Deere näytöt ja ohjainlaitteet. Käytännössä siis kaikki ne tuotteet, jotka ovat verkkokaupassamme tarjolla. Näiden tuotteiden tuote- ja käyttötuki sekä laitemyynti säilyvät kuitenkin Epecillä. Toimimme siis pelkästään elektroniikkahuoltona. Meillä ei ole asiantuntemusta näiden laitteiden parametroimiseen tai järjestelmän vian hakuun tai konsultointiin. Näiden vanhemman sukupolven moduulien korjauksia ei oteta enää Epecillä vastaan! Jaletron.fi toimii päähuoltona kyseessä oleveille tuotteille maaliskuusta 2019 lähtien. Lisäksi korjaamme Pellonpajan ohjainlaitteita ja näyttöjä.

Jaletron Electronic toimii Lehto Trading Oy aputoiminimenä. Uusi toiminimi perustettiin juuri näitä EPEC tuotteiden huoltoja varten. Muita aputoiminimiä ovat tyovalot.fi (tyovalojen verkkokauppa), Siikalatvan Laitehuolto (elektroniikkahuolto ja sähköurakointi) ja MyBeta.fi (kilpaenduropyörien ja -varaosien myynti sekä kilpailutoiminta). 

Huoltolaboratoriomme palvelee ensisijaisesti valtuutettuja EPEC laitteiden edustajia ja huoltoliikkeitä erillisen palvelusopimuksen mukaisesti. Korjaamme myös yksityisten henkilöiden ja ei valtuutettujen huoltoliikkeiden toimittamia tuotteita tämän sivuston kautta tehtyjen huoltotilausten myötä. Tilauksettomia huoltoon tulleita lähetyksiä emme käsittele.

Toivomme yhteydenotot ensisijaisesti sähköpostitse, koska emme haluaisi keskeyttää elektroniikkalaboratoriotöitä puhelimen pirisemiseen. Keskitymme mielellään täysillä huoltotöihin, jolloin saadaan potilas herätettyä nopeiten ja ilman aivopieruja henkiin. Kiitos ymmärryksestänne.